Wednesday 13 July 2016

3240 Taking Risks....

In preparation for presentation tomorrow, found this article about the good, the bad, and the ugly of taking risks as an educator and the importance of setting a different classroom atmosphere. 


  1. But I will ask you to reflect on how your assignments and grading relate to risk-taking and failure: Does your course structure encourage intellectual risk-taking and embrace small failures as formative learning opportunities, or does it present failure only as monolithic and punishing? It may seem counter-intuitive to many of us—and many of our students—but learning to take intellectual risks and becoming more comfortable with some levels of failure are vital to our continued growth as learners. So let’s help our students extend their comfort zones and find ways of taking the intellectual risks that we know will help them become successful at IU and beyond.

    Greg Siering
    Director, CITL

  2. Full Paper: from above excerpt
